Sunshine Dental Centre


Whether you need new dentures or simply want your current ones repaired, our team at Sunshine Dental is here to help.

Improve Your Appearance & Smile

Functional & Comfortable

Boost Your Confidence

Eat Foods You Enjoy

What Are The Different Kinds Of Dentures?

Conventional Dentures

Conventional Dentures suit patients who have lost most or all of their natural teeth. These dentures rest on the gums of your upper or lower jaw. A conventional full denture is placed in your mouth after remaining teeth are removed and tissues have healed.

Healing may take a few weeks to a month during which time you are without teeth, but having the denture moulded to your healed gums ensures a perfectly comfortable fit inside your mouth.

Partial Dentures

Partial Dentures suit patients who have lost one or a few of their natural teeth and wish to fill in the gaps left behind. The partial denture is held in place with the use of metal clasps that attach to the neighbouring teeth. They offer a removable alternative to bridges when only some teeth are missing.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-Supported Dentures are a popular alternative to Conventional Dentures and Partial Dentures. They can replace one or few of your missing teeth or provide complete replacement for all your teeth.

The denture is secured in the mouth by supporting dental implants. The dental implants that support the denture become a permanent fixture within the jaw. Because the dental implants integrate or fuse with the jawbone, an implant supported denture tends to be more comfortable and stable, allowing you to bite and chew naturally.

Immediate Dentures

Immediate Dentures are ones that are prepared in advance of tooth extraction, then placed on the same day as the extraction procedure. This ensures that you do not spend any time without teeth.

However, as the gums begin to heal under the immediate denture, it affects the fit of the denture. Immediate dentures do not fit as accurately as a conventional denture. They can be made to fit well with a reline, but in most cases used as a temporary denture, with a new one being made later on.

Dentures Appointment- What To Expect?

Conventional Denture

We first take moulds of your mouth to produce a working model and record your bite. A wax denture is then made to check the fit and adjustments are made. In the final appointment your new dentures are fitted. This process usually takes three to six weeks, but this can vary depending on individual circumstances. The process for Partial Dentures is similar.

Implant Supported Dentures

Generally, the procedure can be completed in two stages, the placement of the implants within the jaw and then the exposure of the top of the implant in order to place the denture. This process can take between three to six months from start to finish in order for the implant to fuse with the jawbone.

Tips To Care For Your Dentures

Dentures should be cleaned twice a day to remove food particles and plaque. Clean the denture with warm water, mild soap and a toothbrush or denture brush. Avoid cleaning them with hot water and toothpaste.
Clean your gums and remaining teeth with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste.
Based on new guidelines, dentures should be placed in a dry environment overnight after cleaning them.
If there is a build-up of tartar on the denture, soak overnight in a solution of white vinegar (diluted 1:4), then clean as usual. Get a professional clean of the denture done if hard deposits remain.

It’s time to restore your smile.

Begin your dental journey with Sunshine Dental Centre now!