Sunshine Dental Centre


Do you clench or grind your teeth during sleep? Do you play high impact sports that can lead to chipped or lost teeth? Wearing a mouthguard might be a good solution for you.

Protective In Function

Prevents Dental Injury

Provides Comfort & Fit.

Durable And Easy To Clean.

Here are some of the benefits of using a dental mouthguard

  • Protects against clenching and grinding during sleep.
  • Reduces stress on your jaw and muscles.
  • Protects your teeth in sporting injuries.
  • Reduces wear & tear on teeth.
  • Improves sleep patterns and minimizes disturbances.

When Do You Need A Mouthguard?

Teeth Grinding or Bruxism is an involuntary clenching and grinding of the teeth. It doesn't always display its symptoms in ways that are immediately noticeable. Most people aren't even aware they are grinding their teeth until their partners tell them or advanced symptoms such as jaw pain, headaches and worn down, sensitive teeth start to emerge.

Damage to your teeth doesn’t necessarily stem from teeth grinding alone. It can also stem from a Sports related injury. If you’re seeking an appropriate preventable option, wearing a mouthguard customized to fit your mouth might be the answer.

Why Wear A Mouthguard?

Teeth grinding places a lot of pressure on your teeth, cracking their protective enamel, fracturing them and breaking things like crowns and fillings. A mouthguard produces a physical barrier between the teeth to avoid the upper and lower teeth from coming together to clench.

When taking part in high impact sports a mouthguard also protects against dental injuries. Dental trauma from sporting injury can include damage to the tooth nerve, fractured, cracked or knocked-out teeth or a broken jaw. Repair work does not last forever, so a damaged tooth will often become a lifelong problem. Prevention is always better than
cure, so play it safe and wear a mouthguard.

What Kind Of Mouthguards Are Available?

  • Custom-Fitted Mouthguards are individually designed and made in a dental laboratory. In most cases, a custom-fitted mouthguard is the recommended choice to ensure it fits comfortably in your mouth and provides the best protection.
  • Boil-and-Bite Mouthguards may offer a better fit than stock mouthguards, but can become brittle and weak over time.
  • Stock Mouthguards are inexpensive and readily available in the market. Unfortunately, they often don't fit very well and feel bulky. They can also make breathing and talking difficult.

At Sunshine Dental, we produce custom-fitted mouthguards that provide the most comfortable fit and best protection.

Mouthguard Appointment- What To Expect?

  • During the first appointment, we take moulds of your teeth and make a model.
  • The model is sent to the lab where the mouth guard is fabricated for a custom fit.
  • The following appointment we fit the mouthguard and make any necessary adjustments.

Tips To Care For Your Mouthguard

  • Always rinse your mouthguard with soap and water after use. Allow it to air-dry and place it in a container. This reduces chances of bacterial growth and keeps it clean.
  • Keep the mouthguard in a well-ventilated plastic storage box when not in use. The box should have several holes to allow ventilation.
  • Only wear your mouthguard when sleeping or during physical contact activity.
  • Keep the mouthguard stored at a cool temperature as it can lose its shape in sunlight.
  • Your mouthguard should be checked by the dentist at your regular check ups for wear, tear and fit.
  • Children’s mouthguard should be replaced every 12 to 18 months, even if it appears to be in good condition as their growth and new teeth can alter the fit.

It’s time to protect those pearly whites!

Begin your dental journey with Sunshine Dental Centre now!