Sunshine Dental Centre

Teeth Whitening

Let us put the sparkle back into your smile! Teeth whitening at Sunshine Dental is both easy & non-invasive, and can remove years of stain and discoloration from your teeth.

Restore Your Natural Smile

Positive First Impression

Boost Your Confidence

A Youthful Appearance

What Causes Tooth Discolouration?

Over time, teeth acquire surface stains as a result of eating and drinking habits, smoking  or naturally discolour with age. On the other hand, traumatic dental injury, fluorosis and certain medications can result in internal discoloration of the teeth. There are various ways to safely remove the tooth discolouration, leaving a whiter, more radiant smile.

Can I Get Teeth Whitening Done?

Almost anyone with natural permanent teeth can get teeth whitening done. Bleaching works on natural teeth. If your front teeth have tooth-coloured fillings, crowns, veneers or bonded restorations it will not change their colour.

Before undertaking any teeth whitening treatment you should see us to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy. Depending on the type and severity of discolouration, we may suggest In-chair teeth whitening, At-home teeth whitening or a combination of both.

Teeth Whitening Appointment- What To Expect?

  • After an examination and clean is done in a prior visit, the In-chair teeth whitening procedure starts with application of the whitening gel on the teeth and is activated using blue light. The whitening process takes 1-2 hrs to complete.
  • For At- home whitening moulds of your teeth are taken to prepare custom-fitted trays for you to take home. The customised fit allows for maximum contact between your teeth and the whitening gel. The whitening gel is placed in the tray by you and worn for 30 min-1hr a day or overnight based on the system used. Results are usually seen within 2-4 weeks.

Will Teeth Whitening Make My Teeth Sensitive?

Temporary sensitivity occurs in  most people, but it  does not last more than a few days. We provide you with a desensitizing toothpaste to take home which helps with the sensitivity. It is also recommended to avoid very hot or cold foods for the first few days after you have received treatment.

How White Will My Teeth Get?

This depends on your unique circumstances. For example, yellow teeth will probably whiten well, brownish-coloured teeth may not whiten as well, and greyish-hued teeth may not whiten well at all.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

It can generally last from a few months up to one year, however, this depends on your individual circumstances. You can get touch ups done in between. The effect of the treatment is impacted if you frequently smoke or drink liquids that can stain such as red wine, tea or coffee.

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

When performed by a professional dentist, teeth whitening is a safe procedure. Chairside bleaching is fully supervised, while at-home bleaching involves custom-made trays and in-depth, personalised instructions. While whitening treatment can cause temporary tooth sensitivity, it does not damage your tooth enamel.

Tips To Care For Your Teeth After Whitening

  • Avoid substances that stain, including tobacco, red wine, coffee and tea for about a week because the pores in your teeth are open and your teeth are more likely to stain after your teeth-whitening treatment.
  • Avoid very hot or cold foods for the first few days after you have received treatment to limit sensitivity.
  • Brush using the desensitising toothpaste given for the next few days to minimize sensitivity.

It’s time for your smile to shine!

Begin your dental journey with Sunshine Dental Centre now!