Sunshine Dental Centre

Dental Fillings

Are you worried about holes in your teeth? Do you feel sensitivity when eating hot or cold food? If so, you may need a filling, book an appointment with our friendly team at Sunshine Dental today.

Tooth Coloured Fillings

Minimal Tooth Preparation

Restore Natural Function

Improve Your Oral Health

Dental Fillings at Sunshine Dental

Fillings may be required if tooth structure has been lost due to decay or trauma. During a regular check-up, we will examine your teeth, and use X-rays to pinpoint the location and extent of decay. We then decide on the best way to restore your teeth.

Do I Need A Filling?

If you are experiencing the following, you may need fillings -

  • Holes that are seen with the eye or felt with the tongue
  • Sensitivity to heat, cold or sweetness
  • Toothache or tooth pain
  • Floss that keeps tearing between your teeth
  • Discolouration or grey shadowing of your tooth surface
  • A rough tooth surface

Most cavities start silently, without symptoms or pain. To reduce the chance of tooth decay, it is important to maintain regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene at home.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Fillings?

Composite Fillings

Composite Fillings are tooth-coloured and made from resin material. They are bonded to the tooth surface and the shade matched to your natural teeth. Composite fillings require minimal tooth removal and can be placed in a single appointment.

Glass Ionomer Fillings

Glass-Ionomer Cement (GIC) fillings are also tooth coloured, however they are not as durable or strong as composite fillings. They bond well to the tooth and have some decay-preventing abilities. Glass-ionomer cement is often used for the areas of the tooth where there is not much biting force, and also to fill baby teeth.

Inlays & Onlays

Inlays and onlays are high strength tooth coloured ceramic/porcelain fillings, that are made in the lab and bonded over the prepared tooth surface to restore its form. For large areas of decay and broken-down teeth, porcelain is generally the material of choice.

What are Fissure Sealants?

These are preventative fillings. Sometimes the grooves on top of the back teeth are deep and make it difficult for a toothbrush to clean. This can make it a breeding ground for bacteria which can result in decay.

Sealants can help protect these vulnerable areas by "sealing out" plaque and food debris from the chewing surface of the back teeth. Placing fissure sealants is painless and usually doesn't require any drilling. They generally last a few years before a reapplication of the sealant is needed.

Filling Appointment- What To Expect?

  • Having a filling is a relatively simple treatment. A local anaesthetic is used to numb the area and the decay is removed. The filling is placed in the prepared tooth, finished & polished. The procedure usually takes about 30 to 60 minutes to complete.
  • For Inlays and Onlays, an additional visit is needed as the porcelain filling is fabricated at the lab.

Tips To Care For Your Fillings

  • Avoid hot food and drinks during the first few hours till the anesthesia wears off. You can eat and drink as you normally would after that.
  • Be mindful not to bite your lips or tongue while you are still numb.
  • In the days following a filling, you may experience temporary sensitivity, especially if the cavity was deep. This sensitivity typically decreases and settles in a few days.
  • Remember to brush and floss daily to keep the area clean.

It’s time to get your teeth checked!

Begin your dental journey with Sunshine Dental Centre now!