Sunshine Dental Centre

Dental Crown and Bridges

Are your teeth damaged, discoloured or cracked? Restore your confidence and show off your smile at Sunshine Dental.

Protect Damaged Teeth

Smile With Confidence

Restore Natural Function

Improve Your Oral Health

What Are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown acts as a cap that protects your natural tooth or dental implant. Crowns are also worthwhile if you need to replace a large filling, prevent further cracks or protect a tooth after root canal treatment.

Crowns are typically made of ceramic or metal alloys. Porcelain or Ceramic crowns can be matched to the colour of your natural teeth. Metal crowns are generally stronger than ceramic and may be recommended for back teeth. Porcelain bonded to Metal shell can also be used because it is both strong and can closely match your natural teeth. Discuss the right choice with our dentists during your visit.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Bridges are commonly used to cover a gap if you’re missing one or more teeth. The gap is filled by a replacement tooth that is attached to the supporting natural teeth or implant and made of porcelain material to blend with the look of your teeth.

If you’ve lost a tooth but aren’t able to get a dental implant, or perhaps your health history precludes you from being able to get an implant, a long lasting dental bridge may be the treatment for you!

Why Should I Get a Dental Crown or Bridge?

If gaps left by missing teeth are not filled, they eventually cause the remaining teeth to rotate or shift into the empty spaces, resulting in a bad bite. The imbalance caused by missing teeth can also lead to gum disease and temporomandibular joint (TMJD) disorders.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Dental Bridges?

Implant-Supported Bridges

Implant-Supported Bridges are a good option for people needing to replace multiple teeth that are missing. The bridge is supported by implants (instead of by natural teeth).

Traditional Bridges

The replacement tooth is held in place by crowns attached to the natural teeth on either side of the gap. The procedure requires removal of the enamel layer from the natural teeth to make way for the crowns.

Cantilever Bridges

A similar concept to traditional bridges, cantilever only relies on one tooth for support, not two. The enamel will still need to be removed from the tooth that is supporting the bridge to ensure stability.

Maryland Bridges

An alternative to traditional bridges, these are made by filling the gap with a replacement tooth that is bonded to the back of the neighbouring natural teeth with metal or porcelain wings. It is a less invasive bridge option and is recommended in certain situations.

Crown or Bridge Appointment- What To Expect?

  • Crown or Bridge fitting procedure requires the tooth/ teeth to be prepared conservatively to create space for the crown material.
  • A mould is taken of the prepared tooth and a temporary crown is fitted.
  • During your following visit, the temporary crown is removed and the final crown or bridge is cemented.
  • You may have additional visits if there are multiple teeth involved or if the fit needs correction.

Tips To Care For Your Crowns and Bridges

  • Keep your gums and teeth healthy by brushing with fluoride toothpaste twice a day and flossing daily.
  • For patients with a bridge, use interdental brushes e.g Piksters to clean under the false tooth once a day.
  • To prevent damage to your new crown or bridge, avoid chewing hard foods, ice or other hard objects.

It’s time to restore your smile!

Begin your dental journey with Sunshine Dental Centre now!